The Leaflet: Take a Deep Breath of Fresh Air

Published December 14, 2018

Good news: over the past 50 years, U.S. air quality has never been better. In a new report from the Texas Public Policy Foundation titled The U.S. Leads the World in Clean Air: The Case for Environmental Optimism, Kathleen Hartnett White and Brent Bennett note that emissions control technology coupled with widespread economic prosperity has led to a record-low in critical air pollutants. 

“From 1970 to 2017,” White and Bennet wrote, “the aggregate emissions of the six criteria pollutants identified in the Clean Air Act have declined by 73 percent. This improvement has occurred alongside a 262 percent increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a 189 percent increase in vehicle miles traveled, and rising population and energy consumption.” 

In essence, the report negates the push for ever-stringent environmental regulations, such as renewable energy mandates (REM) and other taxes levied on oil, natural gas, and coal. REMs require a certain percentage of electricity generation within a state to come from renewable sources such as wind and solar. Carbon dioxide taxes levy a fee, adjusted for rate of inflation, on each metric ton of carbon dioxide emissions. Currently, REMs exist in 29 states and the District of Columbia. Fortunately, no states have implemented carbon dioxide taxes. 

The negative economic impact of REMs has been well-documented. For example, Timothy Considine, a professor of economics at the University of Wyoming, found that Nevada’s REM resulted in a $1.75 billion reduction in net economic output in 2016. Even worse, the mandate has produced catastrophic job losses in the Silver State, which are expected to continue for decades. 

Policy Analyst Tim Benson notes that REMs also produce sky-high energy costs. “Unsurprisingly, in states with renewable power mandates, energy rates are rising twice as fast as the national average … According to EIA, the 29 states with renewable energy mandates (plus the District of Columbia) had average retail electricity prices of 11.93 cents per kilowatt hour (cents/kWh), while the 21 states without renewable mandates had average retail electricity prices of just 9.38 cents/kWh.”  

Often ignored by misguided environmentalists, rising energy prices are a real concern for millions of Americans. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released its Residential Energy Consumption Survey that finds nearly one-third of American households have experienced “energy insecurity, defined as a challenge in paying energy bills or sustaining adequate heating and cooling in their homesMore than half of black households and more than 40 percent of Hispanic households are energy insecure. Government policies that artificially make gas and electricity production more costly contribute to energy insecurity, especially in low-income communities. 

Benson stresses that state legislators and regulators should not force Americans to switch from fossil fuels to higher-cost, intermittent ‘renewable’ electricity sources, such as wind or solar.” The premature switch to renewables would stifle economic growth and increase the costs “of virtually all goods and services.”  

Air quality in the nation is better than ever. To keep the positive economic and environmental momentum going, lawmakers should repeal subsidies and taxes that discourage the use of fossil fuels, and read the just-released Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels “Summary for Policymakers,” which provides a scientific and economic analysis of the costs and benefits of fossil fuels.  


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